The Lost Holocron
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The Lost Holocron
Dark Force Rising | Chapter 6 | The Lost Holocron
Chapter 6 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn.
The Story So Far
Grand Admiral Thrawn has begun a campaign to destroy the New Republic, beleaguering many prospective member-worlds to spread New Republic resources thin.
From Myrkr, Thrawn harvested ysalamiri to leverage the allegiance of Dark Jedi clone Joruus C'Baoth of Wayland, where a cache of technology from the late-Emperor. In Mount Tantiss, operations are underway to train the next generation of Imperials. They have a bounty out on warships to supply their growing numbers.
Between operations, C'Baoth awaits the Jedi promised in exchange for his talents; Luke Skywalker and pregnant Leia Organa Solo. Captain Pellaeon has been vocal about his misgivings towards the tenuous alliance, however C'Baoth's battle meditation has proven tremendous. With several failed abductions on Organa Solo by the Noghri taskforce, Pellaeon fears the tempestuous clone will become a liability as his patience runs out waiting for Skywalker on Jormark.
Chapter 6
Economic and psychological pressure; Thrawn is pleased with the disarray sewn amongst the Republic political structure. He has been receiving intel from inside the Imperial Palace. Even Pellaeon doesn't know details on the informant designated Delta Source.
Thrawn and Pellaeon butt heads as they oversee a raid on New Republic supply lines through Sarka. C'Baoth has disregarded direct orders at Taanab, something that Pellaeon is particularly sensitive to. However, Thrawn dismisses the threat that the clone could face in the grand scheme of things. Regardless, Thrawn plans to deliver a message personally to the Noghri people to impress the importance of success in their mission to abduct Leia Organa Solo.
On Jormark, C’baoth awakens to sense the approach of a messenger from the village. He muses over the dynamics of his relationship with the Empire, reflecting on how he has been regarded by the various peoples he has subjugated. He relishes the challenge of manipulating Skywalker to his surreptitious machinations.
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