The Lost Holocron
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The Lost Holocron
Dark Force Rising | Chapter 8 | The Lost Holocron
Chapter 8 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn.
The Story So Far
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Lando Calrissian are on New Cov investigating a lead into a possible Bothan conspiracy surrounding allegations of Admiral Ackbar’s treason from Borsk Fey’lya. Upon arrival, Han identifies and pursues one of Fey’lya’s aides, Tav Breil’lya, into the warehouse section only to be held up by an unfamiliar woman.
On the lower levels Lando meets Luke in a tap-cafe as sirens warn of an Imperial raid on the world. They split up, with Luke off to find Han while Lando heads to the hangar in an attempt to erase evidence of their presence before the Imperials find the landing records.
Chapter 8
Han is disarmed at blasterpoint by the short, greying woman and invited to a holding room for interrogation with another, taller woman; Sena. Breil'lya is invited into the interrogation and accuses Han of being an imposter and Imperial spy. In his zeal, his accusations unravel, much to Sena’s amusement. Sena and Irenez (the shorter woman) belong to another independent group; relayed by messages, their commander instructs them to assist Han’s escape from the Imperial raid on Ilic.
Luke is intercepted by the group’s picket line and escorted to Han’s location. Together with Irenez, they rendezvous with Lando in the Imperial-occupied hangar. Han orchestrates an escape into New Cov airspace in the confusion caused by the Lady Luck’s beckon call and blaster fire from Luke’s X-Wing.
A Star Destroyer and its complement of TIE fighters move to intercept their escape. Luke peels off to engage the TIEs, buying time for Han, Lando, and Irenez to make their escape with the rest of Irenez’s group. Three dreadnaughts arrive from hyperspace to escort the escapees, along with a personal invitation from the Commander; an old friend or a ruse to ensnare Han?
Alone in unfriendly skies, Luke and R2 jump to hyperspace, headed to Jormark.
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