The Lost Holocron
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The Lost Holocron
Dark Force Rising | Chapter 9 | The Lost Holocron
Chapter 9 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn.
The Story So Far
Leia Organa Solo has been pursued on numerous worlds by aliens unknown to the New Republic, intent on her abduction. In exchange for Organa Solo and her unborn twins, Grand Admiral Thrawn has negotiated an alliances with Dark Jedi clone Joruus C'Baoth. After many failed attempts, Thrawn wishes to impress upon the Noghri the gravity of the situation.
Seeking shelter with the Wookiees on Kashyyyk, Leia and Chewbacca capture a Noghri operative. During the interrogation, the operative Khabarakh identifies Leia by scent as the *Mal'ary'ush* — heir to the revered Lord Vader. In exchange for a solo embassy to the Noghri homeworld, Leia allows Khabarakh to leave and meet in one month’s time over the Forest Moon of Endor.
Leia, C-3PO, and Chewbacca arrive a day early, and when the *Falcon* passes through the point where the Emperor died aboard the Second Death Star, Leia experiences an overwhelming wave of dark side energy.
Chapter 9
While initially wary, Khabarakh accepts Leia, C-3PO, and Chewbacca board his ship after understanding that Chewbacca has given a life debt to Leia; like Wookiees, Noghri culture holds honour in high regard.
During the four-day flight, Khabarakh mostly isolates himself in the cockpit, giving Leia little to prepare for her embassy and an ambivalent impression that told her their arrival to Honoghr was unannounced.
They arrive over Honoghr; a world covered in greys and browns, a decidedly sickly looking planet — and over it the distinctive arrow-head of an Imperial Star Destroyer. Chewbacca rushes to the cockpit, slamming on the door; Khabarakh opens the door to reassure them of his trust, but Chewbacca can only be stopped by a stun trap. Khabarakh signals the all-clear, citing his delay to equipment malfunction, and decides to take them to his home, away from the visiting Imperials.
At the Capital of Nystao, as the Imperials are being received in a traditional welcoming ceremony by the many Clan Dynasts. Captain Pellaeon is passed a report from lieutenant Tschel about the incoming ship. Thrawn halts the ceremony to travel to Clan Kihm’bar, wanting to receive the returning operative from the failed abduction on Kashyyyk.
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