The Lost Holocron
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The Lost Holocron
Dark Force Rising | Chapter 15 | The Lost Holocron
Chapter 15 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn.
The Story So Far
The New Republic is in disarray after a messy skirmish over Sluiss Van. With unexplained cash being deposited into Admiral Ackbar’s account on the day of the Imperial attack, Ackbar is under arrest on suspicion of treason. Bothan council member Borsk Fey’lya is taking great advantage of his political rival’s misfortune. Han Solo takes it upon himself to investigate the Churba sector where the Bothans displayed unusual commitment during the Galactic Civil War, hoping to find evidence that Fey’lya may be framing Ackbar and clear his name.
Han takes Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrisian to New Cov. Han spots and follows an aid to Fey’lya, and stumbles upon an unknown militia group apparently working in concert with the Bothans. Along with Lando, they are forced to escape as an Imperial tribute-raid flushes them out of the city. Han and Lando jump to hyperspace in lock-step with the militia, hitching a ride to an undisclosed world. There, the pair are introduced to the Commander, Garm Bel Iblis, a long assumed-dead Imperial senator and somewhat-of-an-icon of Han’s childhood.
Chapter 15
Bel Iblis regales Han and Lando with the exploits of his militia, however Lando is in a less than generous mood. When Han notices that Lando is still on his first drink, a tense negotiation surfaces. They learn that Bel Iblis doesn’t trust the development of the New Republic, suspicious that power has been too centralised around Mon Mothma.
As Bel Iblis must attend to other matters, Han and Lando walk to prepared accommodation. Lando points out obvious falsehoods in Bel Iblis’s claims; the base is not nearly as mobile or active as stated. Their bickering continues in their room where Lando makes an alarming discovery: the decore has been taken from what-could-only-be the lost Katana Fleet. They head back to the headquarters lounge to investigate further.
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