The Lost Holocron
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The Lost Holocron
Dark Force Rising | Chapter 16 | The Lost Holocron
Chapter 16 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn.
The Story So Far
The Empire and New Republic are scrambling for warships. After a messy skirmish over Sluiss Van, the New Republic’s fleet has been decimated. With unexplained cash being deposited into Admiral Ackbar’s account on the day of the Imperial attack, Ackbar is under arrest on suspicion of treason. While investigating the Churba Section, Han Solo discover a rogue militia and are taken to an undisclosed world. Led by Garm Bel Iblis, his militia may have a common enemy in the Empire but Bel Iblis doesn’t trust the New Republic, specifically the de facto leader Mon Mothma.
While in the private quarters assigned to them, Lando claims that the upholstery is distinctly from the lost Katana Fleet. Were it true and they were able to persuade Bel Iblis to join the New Republic, the Katana Fleet may make all the difference in the New Republic’s logistical struggle with the Empire.
Leia Organa Solo has travelled to Honoghr with Noghri Khabarakh. Grand Admiral Thrawn is simultaneously planetside. Khabarakh’s return has raised suspicions on his clan and Thrawn has taken him into custody.
Chapter 16
Han and Lando go back to investigate the headquarter lounge for confirmation that the furnishings of the Perigrine’s Nest are indeed from the Katana Fleet. Lando completes his inspection just as Irenez returns. She marches them out of the lounge and to Sena in a waiting speeder. A terse discussion of intentions devolves into a frank plea for Han to encourage the New Republic to extend an invitation to Bel Iblis to rejoin. In a forgotten corner of history, Bel Iblis was actually a founding member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic but was shouldered out by Mon Mothma’s charisma after the death of Bail Organa at the destruction of Alderaan. Scorned, he has been fighting his own private war since then. Their own operations had ceased almost three years earlier in preparation should Mon Mothma’s hold over the New Republic become autocratic; something Han knows is not going to happen.
Han and Lando offer an ultimatum: they will talk to the New Republic Council if Sena gives up information on the Katana Fleet. She tells them the location of the contact from whom they acquired their six ships on and agrees to convey them offworld. They make to leave, but Bel Iblis is already waiting for them on the landing platform. With understanding, his facade crumbles, leaving a hollow man. Han gives one last attempt to convince the Commander of his value should he join the New Republic. En route back to New Cov, Han shares with Lando his worries about Leia’s mission.
Over Honoghr, Pellaeon presents Thrawn with intel of the Millenium Falcon having been found over Endor. Together, they suspect that after extracting information from a captured Khabarakh, the Rebellion is using his release as a diversion to uncover information about the location of Mount Tantiss. Thrawn decides to leave Khabarakh on Honoghr to acquiesce the Noghri Elders to their traditions.
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