The Lost Holocron
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The Lost Holocron
Dark Force Rising | Chapter 18 | The Lost Holocron
Chapter 18 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn.
The Story So Far
During the war, debris from a space battle over Honoghr fell to the planet's surface, causing runaway ecological disasters. Darth Vader came to the Noghri people offering aid, gaining their trust and servitude. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, he passed off their service to Grand Admiral Thrawn, who now uses them to hunt for Leia Organa Solo.
Now in the War’s twilight, tensions between the Empire and New Republic grow as warships become in short supply. Several factions have claimed to rediscover the Katana Fleet. Han Solo and Lando Calrissian have met with a rogue Corellian group lead by Garm Bel Iblis. They are in possession of six of the Katana dreadnaughts, and Sena gives divulges the contact that supplied their group with their six Katana dreadnaughts. Han and Lando are following that lead to Pantolomin. Ferrier was captured by the Imperials and charged with finding the Corellian's dreadnaughts, later updated to pursue Han and Lando directly.
A month earlier on Kashyyyk, Leia’s pedigree was discovered by Khabarakh, and they arrange for Leia to undertake a solo embassy with his people on his homeworld. Leia leaves the Millennium Falcon in orbit around Endor to receive passage to Honoghr. While Leia remains hidden, Khabarakh’s return is met with suspicion. Wookiee hair is found all through his ship, so he is placed under arrest. With the discovery of the Falcon over Endor, Thrawn leaves Honoghr to investigate.
Chapter 18
Looking over the Honoghr grasslands, Chewbacca gives his estimate that it has been eight years since the ecologically disastrous starship crash; the height of the Galactic Civil War. The recovery of Honoghr’s arable land seems to always stay outpaced by Noghri population recovery.
With the Grand Admiral's sudden vacation from Honoghr, Leia and Chewbacca plan to abscond. The complication remains that with Khabarakh held for public humiliation, a blade hangs over the heads of Clan Khim’bar and the Noghri people. Leia is scarred by guilt for the destruction of Alderaan and declares that she shall not let her actions come to harm the Noghri people.
The Maitrakh’s growing coldness thaws, and she agrees to accompany Leia in her escape to assist in liberating Khabarakh. Leia knows that should they fail, she alone would be captured alive.
During their return to New Cov, Han and Lando make contact with Winter. She passes on an unencrypted message signed as “Luke” to meet planet-sdie on New Cov. The message, however, was left by Niles Ferrier.
They barely disembark before they enter into a tense negotiation with the ship-thief; Ferrier offers to pool resources and intel to find The Dark Force, and he accidentally lets slip the name of the Imperial Grand Admiral. Lando believes Ferrier to be suspect and cuts the meeting. As they leave, Lando is proven right, finding a tracking device secured to their hull. On the ground, Ferrier confirms with his Wraith companion that a second beacon was placed somewhere it would not be found.
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